MONASTERY DIARY –Three a – just a little more about ‘my rage’…loll

I have been giggling all night.. and my ‘sight’ is truly finding Much to See With Humor… I was up late, cleaning the carpet. My DEAR sweet Adorable three legged Chester…his bowels seems to be reflecting mine… just here for me… as a lesson and to Love…

So while Loving Chester, cleaning the carpet and Listening for God… (This is the only skill that should be taught Our Children. If ‘children are still occurring as real’… and if you still have ‘desire’ to interact with ‘the delusion’… loll…)

I am so LAUGHING…I just had this thought… “I would rather bunny gaze’… lololol… I really have no idea of what has happened to me… AND

I had one more thing to say about ‘my rage’… and then I am so fucking Complete…lololo…

There was a retreat put on by My Love Nouk and Take Me to Truth, several moments ago…in Santa Fe… when I still ‘thought I was dying’ and most definitely ‘while quite angry’… lololol.. i think it was the retreat that perhaps had Mike dying and the whole medical incident… and

There were… perhaps… thirty or so present… All DEAR FORMS… My Angels… whew… ok… here we go…

I Learned, a most valuable word at the Monastery… Changed ‘my Life’… What a ‘prompt’ is… more later on that… and I Was Prompted… Totally… and I Fought even as I was presenting my self in front of all of you…

I was ‘prompted’, to get in front of all of you and ‘outgas’… show ‘my anger that created cancer’…

There were several moments of me Sharing.   I allowed my self to be seen as Angry… Showed ‘my shame’…

And at the moment of ‘Seeing my self getting angry’…  my ego kept screaming in my ear…’Don’t do this… You are going to make a fool of yourself’   well, it seemed like an Eternity that I continued to ‘Share my shame’…

For Me Sharing ‘my Shame’… actually… as I see it…” I was ‘outgasing cancer’… and I was ‘testing the waters’…’ Is it safe?… Will ‘i’ be judged?’

I RAGED in public.

I stood in front of All of You Angels in Seeing… and BLEW.

I Raged…

And I ‘felt much unspoken ‘judgement’’…

And it Was So Perfect.

I Needed to SEE How I ‘Judged Myself’.. and projected Shame all over the place… for me to SEE… the error… the correction… the Truth.. all of them in that One Sharing..

Well… ‘the sacred space of the Living Miracles Monastery’ gave me a two week ‘outgasing’ of Rage…

All through LOVE filters…  I just Share… all the secrets… All of them… no exceptions… and the Eternal Gates to Heaven Open.

AND… after this monastery experience… I am Getting the Power in All our Awakening…

And at this moment, My deep Desire to Join with Those that are Skilled in Holding Love… No Matter, What…..For my rage…was rendered Healed with all the Love at the Living Miracles Monastery…

And from Seeing the Abiqui Retreat being opened by Mightie Companions and Take Me to Truth… AND GETTING the power of Joining… well…Whooo fucking Hooooo!!!!

Wake Up Now… Sign up for a Personal Retreat Near You… NOW… as Jesus says somewhere in the acim text… ‘linger not’… or ‘linger no longer’… he is saying: Sweet Child… wake up from the nightmare you have created… WAKE UP to My Loving ARMS. SEE it all differently. and… I Am…

Whew… yeah… so the retreat in Santa Fe when I Shared Shame…Thank You for Your Honesty…!!!… I so Thank You… for your Profound Place in My Awakening… and More is Being Revealed…

My Healing… of the Dream…

(and I have some fear that is coming up in saying this…going to God)…

So for now… ‘feeling prompted to pass on this little song’… a favorite… I wiped my last ‘fear tear’, during this song… so much Love Tamra!!! ….

Big Hug… Eternal…


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