Making Room for God… Uncluttering my mind…

imagesSo the lesson for the week is ‘uncluttering’ my mind.  I was thrown back to a seminar that I did with a peer of Werner Erhardt.  It was actually a week long class in ‘organizing’ your life.  A funny workshop that left a huge impact.  I did not see my life as ‘unorganized’.  However, he addressed our lives from the perspective of our minds.  How to ‘declutter’ our thinking.

There were many great things discussed… and there was one that has been coming up lately.  In my training to stay Neutral and in the moment, I am faced with many thoughts.  A friend recently ran the NY City Marathon.  I held her in Love.. I held her in Awe… I ReJoiced for her.  AND there was some other thoughts interspersed within all those thoughts.  Some of my thoughts included…”If she can do this, why don’t I”.  “Does my future hold marathons”, “Am I exercising enough”.  Many thoughts generated from a ‘friend running the marathon’.  I am taken back to my class in uncluttering…

If a thought enters that is not helpful,  or if a thought enters that does not generate JOY… If a thought is telling me to ‘do something in the future and then I continue to think it… My One Mind Must be called on to assist me to ‘clear’ my mind.  I call on my Holy Spirit.

My God Mind can be utilized to think this through without ego.  Now Werner’s approach was to have several lists in life… “I am doing”, “I will do”, and a “ I will NEVER DO”…. Of all these lists, the most powerful was the last one…

I had no idea how many thoughts went through my head…. “Later”… “I will make more money later!.  I will learn to dance later.  I will clean my car later.  I will pick up the back yard later.  I will eat healthy later.  I will read my ACIM lessons later.  I will run the NYC Marathon, maybe!”

So now with thoughts coming through… I could place them someplace so that I would clear up ‘thought space’ for something more fun.  If I was not thinking of something to do later… I would have more time NOW to Generate a way of Being that I said I was wanting Now.  So as the thoughts came up… I mentally placed them in files… “I am Doing”, “I will Do”, “I will Never do”… My ‘I will’ list allows me to place an idea on it and then let it go.   Until I decide to ‘do’ it…it is safely on a list of intentions.  If I decide to ‘do’ it…I will then commit, move it to the ‘I am doing’ list and ‘do it’.

When an idea is placed in the “I will Never Do” list… It gets deleted immediately, no more thoughts are needed..

Now I KNOW this sounds insane… and as I am writing this, my thoughts of running a marathon are placed in the ‘I will Never Do” list.  I am left with my Joyous thoughts of my images-2Friend Running and No Thing else…  Any thought that keeps me wondering about a future… Keeps Me from God.  I am a Commitment to Celebrate God… so these idle thoughts have no place at this particular party.

Whoo Hoo… I am now Free from my burdening my self with running marathons… This is right under climbing the Everest!   So much extra room for Dancing with God.!!!

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