Dancing Queen


 Today on FB, I Received a video of a woman…. A woman much like me… a younger version perhaps… just put gray hair on her and she is Me.  The video shows her Dancing at a bus stop, waiting for a bus.  The Music in the background…’Dancing Queen’…. She is Glorious, Her Movements Divine, Her Joy Infectious…Her Love All Encompassing…. As I watched… I noticed my self saying… a very small voice I am happy to report…She has the same form as I do… We are mirror reflections of each other… Do I want to judge this image of God… Yet I have… I have judged this/my form…and it is so not important for the Big Story… The LOVE that I receive from this anonymous Big Beautiful Woman.… As I forgive it I see only the JOY…More will  be revealed…xoxoxox